Things To Do at Blue Chip
Blue Chip is the region’s ultimate destination for experiences, featuring everything from local bands at our entertainment venue, to a relaxing journey at our full-service spa & salon. After treating yourself to all the experiences Blue Chip has to offer, visit our retail and gift shops to take a bit of the excitement home with you!
Swimming Pool
Flooded with soft natural light from a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, Blue Chip Hotel’s indoor pool area provides a serene environment in which to energize yourself.

Fitness Centers
Between our two fitness centers, health-conscious guests will find everything they need to maintain their regular workout schedules while staying at the Blue Chip Hotel.

How To Purchase
Gift Cards can be purchased online by clicking "Buy Now" below or at participating retail locations at Boyd destinations.

Boyd Rewards
Always play with your Boyd Rewards card, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying the special Boyd Rewards privileges and benefits at all our Boyd Rewards destinations throughout the country.